Thursday 1 February 2007

More food for thought….

By the time you read this (articles are always written a month in advance), we will be meeting to review how our first Food for Thought gathering has been received. All the months of careful thought, planning and expectation managed to culminate in a flurry of last minute panic and “Why did we ever get into this” thoughts. Why did we ever get into this? Good question! We’re a funny mix of people, I’m sure no-one would argue with you there, solicitors, housewives, artists, chemists, teachers, a mixture of ages, backgrounds and interests, so why are we meeting in the village hall on a Sunday, why at four o’clock, why aren’t we dozing under the Sunday papers after a morning of hymn singing in the beautiful, historic surroundings of all Saints church?

Actually - the answers quite simple. We know not everyone in this village, -the friends we know and love, the faces we greet – not everyone can feel comfortable in that beautiful old stone building on the hill. For some, childhood memories have removed any chance of contact with the traditional church again. For others fears of not matching up, not fitting in or simply, not identifying with the language of traditional church life has meant that, when life raises questions, the traditional church, sadly, is not always the place they turn for answers.

The Anglican church recognises this and at the turn of the millennium, began to explore new ways, new “fresher” expressions of being church. This has resulted in groups of people, all over the
UK meeting in schools, toddler groups, supermarkets and homes to explore together, a faith in God. And so, our group came together. All different people, but all committed members of All Saints in Winterslow. For us the traditional church has great warmth and meaning, but we know that not all people can see it that way. And so we decided to set up Food for Thought. New, but familiar premises, a new time, to suit more people and hopefully, a new approach. We won’t have any structured service to get lost in, no dress code to uphold, plenty of stuff to keep the children happy and engaged, and no pressure. A place for you to explore and enjoy God, at your own pace, in your own way.

Oh, and the Food thing. - doughnuts and coffee, sharing meals together, BBQs in the summer… sound good? Why not come this month and see what we mean, if there’s something you think we could do differently, let us know, we’re learning as we go
