Friday 25 July 2008

FFT BBQ date

Hello Everyone,

It's that time of year again, so dust off your BBQs, clean the ecoli from the grills and pray for good weather ;-)

6th August @ The Alibocus'
13th August: @ The McKeown's
20th August: @ The Barratt's
27th August: @ The Harwood's

Look forward to seeing you all



Thursday 17 July 2008

27th July: Picnic at Fordingbridge

27th July @ Fordingbridge Play Park

You can either swim in the River Avon or the small children can also use the paddling pool and play park.

We will set off from Winterslow Village Hall car park at Noon at aim to arrive at Fordingbridge at 1230pm.

Hopefully we'll see you there ;-)

If it rains we'll go to River Rivers Swimming Pool instead (admission should be free for children)