Monday 10 May 2010

A New Look at Creation (or Big Bangers and Mash!)

Bible, Bingo and Bangers was its title. About fifty people joined together in this month's Food for Thought at the Village Hall on Sunday 9th May. Michael, Sara and Elizabeth led the service which started with some great praise songs containing biblical quotes in them, a humorous look at the story of the Creation and Adam and Eve (a short play written by Sara with thanks to the late Rob Lacey for some of the ideas), a biblical maths quiz and numbers quiz, followed by a good old fashioned favourite bingo. We also looked at some of the wackier and more amusing stories and proverbs - did you know, for instance, that there is a Proverb which reads "You should give beer to the perishing" or that "It is better to live on the corner of the roof of a house than in the house itself with a quarrelsome wife". The stories included a talking donkey, bears which attacked disrespectful youths for calling Elisha "baldy" and what the ancient Israelites could do to rebellious sons! All this was followed by bangers, mash and beans. Thanks again to all who contributed to making it such a successful and fun afternoon.