Wednesday 27 January 2010

What a Song and Dance!!

Over 80 people turning up (in various Tartan combos) to celebrate FFTs 3rd Birthday and with Bagpipes, Haggis, Scottish dancing we had a really enjoyable Burns night!

Thursday 7 January 2010

Bishop Endorses Creative Projects

So who wants to come with me on the 16th Jan, if i read it right it is at Corfe Mullen, but i will double check this

The Bishop of Sherborne, Dr Graham Kings, has personally endorsed a training course for clergy and lay people alike from Saturday January 16th 2010 (9.30am). Entitled ‘Mission Shaped Ministry’ (MSM), the course encourages creative forms of Church, and involvement in local communities.

The course, run in over 30 centres throughout the UK, has already attracted interest from the USA and Canada. MSM has been endorsed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams, the General Secretary of the Methodist Church Dr. Martyn Atkins, and TV presenter Diane-Louise Jordan.

By the end of next year, an estimated 2,000 people will have taken part in the sessions.

MSM has a growing and broader ownership across major church movements, including the Church of England Diocese of Salisbury and the Southampton Methodist District. The Corfe Mullen course is a collaboration between Fresh Expressions, a national inter-denominational initiative encouraging new types of churches, and H3art Rhythms, an initiative in the parish of Corfe Mullen.

Trainers for the January course include Dr. Kings, Director of Training for Fresh Expressions Andrew Roberts, and Lucy Moore, author of ‘Messy Church’, a book encouraging low-cost creative projects for local children and families.

Dr. Kings said today: “I’m very excited about this course because it means the church will get out among local people, with creative ideas and new-found enthusiasm. It will encourage real contact between church and community in a relevant way. I’m all for it.”

Kath Atkins, MSM Administrator, added: “Our motto is ‘changing church for a changing world’, and we’re seeing new congregations springing up alongside more traditional churches. Projects are being established as a direct response to local needs. We have a message of hope in these troubled times, and we are making a real, positive difference in people’s lives.”

For more information, contact Hilary Richards at H3art Rhythms:
01202 658817,

H3art Rhythms
Fresh Expressions: mission shaped ministry
Messy Church

Issued by Rob Marshall
Church of England
Diocese of Salisbury
24 Hour Media Office 01482 562 455