Tuesday 25 September 2007


Well what can I say... what a great day!

Hamish led us with a talk on John 15:1-8 "I am the True Vine", and explained that as a Church we are all together in the vine, we then showed our "togetherness" by adding our thumbprint onto a large picture of a vine. Hamish explained as our thumbprints are individual to us , so to does god know each of each individually and that we all are loved equally.

And then we attempted to recreate the 1970 Kids games show "Runaround" , but we called it FRUIT SALAD! with some interesting and fun results. All the questions were based on fruit and referenced diligently from the bible, I was however challenged on one question as I wasn't "nerdly" accurate enough.

Every time a team got a correct answer a piece of fruit was awarded then brought back tot he table to make a delicious fruit salad.

Next month 28th October bring walking shoes and wet weather gear as we are having a short "walking" treasure hunt around the village, followed by a hot meal.

Look forward to seeing you then

God Bless


Thursday 13 September 2007

An "Open Door" to a "Messy Church"

Last night I journeyed west to the outer edges of Wiltshire to Calne, in order to visit another Wiltshire Fresh Expression called Open Door.
Lucy Moore the guest speaker for the night , who wrote “Messy Church” went on to speak enthusiastically about her experiences in setting up and running a Fresh expression in Portsmouth, that meets on a Thursday once a month after school, and shared with us some of the practicalities to consider as well as a number of discerning words.

What I took away from last night is that we are all at least “doing” something, and that we are generally learning as we are going along. But with all that said and done, God is at the heart of what we do and why we do it, and as Lucy put’s it God likes to have messy fun too!

I think, we could all learn a lot more from each other, but more than that I think we can be a constant source of encouragement when we feel things aren’t quite going as planned etc. We can gently remind each other, it’s not our will be done but his !

So thank you Rachel for organising the series of talks, and thanks for Lucy for travelling so far to talk to us all.

God bless


Tuesday 11 September 2007

We're Back!!

I hope everyone has had a great holiday and like me is sooooooooo enthusiastic about returning back to work !

I think Winterslow has substantially added to the Winterslow carbon foot print by all the BBQs we have had this summer, thanks must go out to all those wonderful hosts who catered for us all.

On the 23rd September we will be starting Food For Thought again, but with even more energy and fun, so don't forget to invite your friends and family and don't worry about food,we have enough to go around everyone ( at least twice!!)

Watch out for the "Getting Fruity" posters

which are going to put up around the village, all will be explained on the 23rd

Hopefully, will see you there?

Bub Bye
