Tuesday 25 September 2007


Well what can I say... what a great day!

Hamish led us with a talk on John 15:1-8 "I am the True Vine", and explained that as a Church we are all together in the vine, we then showed our "togetherness" by adding our thumbprint onto a large picture of a vine. Hamish explained as our thumbprints are individual to us , so to does god know each of each individually and that we all are loved equally.

And then we attempted to recreate the 1970 Kids games show "Runaround" , but we called it FRUIT SALAD! with some interesting and fun results. All the questions were based on fruit and referenced diligently from the bible, I was however challenged on one question as I wasn't "nerdly" accurate enough.

Every time a team got a correct answer a piece of fruit was awarded then brought back tot he table to make a delicious fruit salad.

Next month 28th October bring walking shoes and wet weather gear as we are having a short "walking" treasure hunt around the village, followed by a hot meal.

Look forward to seeing you then

God Bless


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